Resources – 2


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Pandemic-related behaviours and psychological outcomes; A rapid literature review to explain COVID-19 behaviours
This rapid review serves to systematically examine, synthesize, and critically appraise the available evidence on the relationship between pandemic-related behaviours and psychological outcomes.


How did socio-demographic status and personal attributes influence compliance to COVID-19 preventive behaviours during the early outbreak in Japan? Lessons for pandemic management
This study focuses on how socio-demographic status and personal attributes influence self-protective behaviours during a pandemic.


Changes in health behaviours during early COVID-19 and socio-demographic disparities: a cross-sectional analysis
This study assesses changes in health behaviours during the early stages of the pandemic and examines socio-demographic disparities associated with these changes.

Article |?University of Arizona

Health Care Workers and COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality, Sources of Stress, Burnout and Attrition

Presentation |?University of Arizona

COVID-19 Variants The Great Public Health Balancing Act And Public Health Citizenship


Appui en sciences sociales pour la COVID-19 : leçons apprises

Article |?Anthrologica, CASS, UNICEF, University of Oxford

What questions we should be asking about COVID-19 in humanitarian settings: perspectives from the Social Sciences Analysis Cell in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Briefing |?

The syndemic of COVID-19 and gender-based violence in humanitarian settings: leveraging lessons from Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo
This brief leverages learnings from the 2018–2020 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to inform and strengthen ongoing responses related to GBV and COVID-19 within humanitarian settings.


The impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak response on women and girls in DRC


RCCE Strategies to Overcome COVID-19 Fatigue in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa
The brief synthesises evidence published by UNICEF in a comprehensive review of the scientific and grey literature and the media.

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355 resources found