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Article |?CDC

COVID‐19 vaccination intent, perceptions, and reasons for not vaccinating among groups prioritized for early vaccination — United States, September and December 2020
This article describes perceptions of the COVID‐19 vaccine among US adults.


Perception of COVID-19 Vaccination Amongst Physicians in Colombia
This study’s objective was to assess the perception of COVID-19 vaccination amongst Colombian physicians featuring two different scenarios of COVID-19 vaccination.

Article |?University of California San Diego

COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy: A longitudinal study
Results from a longitudinal survey of United States residents during six months (March 16 –August 16, 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Report |?KFF

KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Attitudes Towards COVID-19 Vaccination Among Black Women and Men 

Article |?Yale

Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the US
This article presesnts surveys among the U.S. adult population in May 2020 to understand risk perceptions about the COVID-19 pandemic, acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine, and trust in sources of information.


Changes in health behaviours during early COVID-19 and socio-demographic disparities: a cross-sectional analysis
This study assesses changes in health behaviours during the early stages of the pandemic and examines socio-demographic disparities associated with these changes.

Briefing |?SSHAP

Key Considerations: Indigenous Peoples in COVID-19 Response and Recovery
This SSHAP brief discusses key considerations for COVID-19 response and recovery, with a particular focus on the Amazon region of South America.


Individual and social determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake

Guidance |?World Bank

Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide for Microdata Collection
The purpose of this collection of seven chapters is to contribute to the development of the new field of mobile phone data collection in developing countries.

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19 resources found