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Case study |?CASS, UNICEF

Impacts de la réponse COVID-19 sur la santé communautaire en RDC: Analyses Multidisciplinaires Intégrées des Épidémies
Ce document a été élaboré par la Cellule d’Analyse en Sciences Sociales (CASS) sous l’égide de la Commission de Gestion des Informations de la Réponse multisectorielle à l’épidémie de COVID-19 en RDC.

Case study |?CASS

The impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak response on women and girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


SSHAP Roundtable: 2021 Ebola Outbreak in Guinea
SSHAP convened a virtual roundtable of expert advisors on Friday 12 March 2021 to discuss the outbreak of Ebola in Guinea declared on 14 February 2021.


Lessons Learned from 2014–2016 Ebola Outbreak in Guinea: A Review of RCCE Related Publications
This report reviews the 46 published reports of Ebola-related activities undertaken during the 2013–2016 outbreak in Guinea.

Article |?SSHAP

Rapid Qualitative Research Methods During Complex Health Emergencies: A Systematic Review of the Literature
The review findings are used to propose recommendations for qualitative research within the context of public health emergencies.

Article |?

Lessons From the West Africa Ebola Epidemic: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological and Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities
This systematic literature review compared the epidemiological (EPI) research and the qualitative social and behavioural science (SBS) research published during the West Africa Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic.

Case study |?United Nations

Rapid COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Assessment for evidence-based communication strategy in Nigeria –2020

Guidance |?World Bank

Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide for Microdata Collection
The purpose of this collection of seven chapters is to contribute to the development of the new field of mobile phone data collection in developing countries.

Article |?WHO

Novel Approach to Support Rapid Data Collection, Management, and Visualization During the COVID-19 Outbreak Response in the World Health Organization African Region: Development of a Data Summarization and Visualization Tool
The aim of this study is to review the design, development, and implementation of the COVID-19 Data Summarization and Visualization (DSV) tool as a rapidly deployable solution to fill this critical data collection gap as an interim solution.

Tool, Training materials |?IFRC, Kenya Red Cross, Mozambique Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross

Community-led solutions package
A collection of resources, including webinar recordings, PPT presentations and guidance notes, on using community-led solutions in the fight against COVID-19.

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53 resources found