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Showing 10 of 413 resources.
This SSHAP Practical Approaches brief underlines key considerations when appraising the context in which an outbreak occurs.
Ces considérations clés ont été développé pour guider le travail sur le terrain.
IndiKit’s Rapid Guides respond to aid workers’ demand for short and useful guidance on a range of survey-related topics. This resource provides a rapid overview about how to develop clearly described survey methodolgy.
The toolkit focuses on participatory methods and brings together instruments that have been used as part of larger research projects in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF),...
This working paper identifies and explores the issues that should be considered when undertaking ethical research involving children in humanitarian settings.
Ce guide pratique détaillé complète le protocole CAP (Word) et fournit des instructions étape par étape avec des visuels.
This guidance provides a detailed overview of the different steps to clean data which is vital to ensure validity and reliability.
Ce module explique comment mener une enquete qualitative par entretiens semi-structure y compris le role de l'enqueteur, des considerations ethiques, les responsabilites des chercheurs, comment conduire un entretien qualitatif et/ou...
The Research Ethics Tool has been developed to provide guidance on research ethics for public health researchers interested in applying to the R2HC programme and also for other researchers working...