Eastern and Southern Africa Region

ESAR Technical Working Group

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Special Monkeypox TWG

ESAR special RCCE TWG meeting slides

Data 4 Action

August 2022 – RCCE for COVID-19 Vaccine Demand in Eastern and Southern Africa

COVID-19 infodemic

June 2022 – Regional trend analysis of social data for advocacy and informed decision making

Feedback Report

July 2022 – Monthly report based on main feedbacks shared by partners

Case Studies

The Working Group

The Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Technical Working Group (TWG) was established in March 2020 as one of four TWGs to to enhance regional partner coordination on operational and strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation as well as the support to countries on particular aspects of the preparedness and response to COVID-19.

The Terms of Reference were revised in February 2022 to encompass RCCE partner coordination for public health emergencies (PHE) with regional implications.

The RCCE TWG is co-chaired by UNICEF and IFRC with operational and technical support from the RCCE Collective Service for day to day management and follow up of TWG activities and actions. There are two subworking groups linked to the RCCE TWG-the Community Feedback SWG and the Media Taskforce. Membership and participation is open to all partners operating at regional level involved in RCCE response to address PHE. The RCCE TWG meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month between 11:00am and 12:30pm EAT.

Priority countries


Access to latest meeting presentations or minutes from technical subworking groups

RCCE Technical Working Group

Health Partners Group





Rachel James

Regional Coordinator
The Collective Service


Sophie Everest

Technical Team


Ngonidzashe Mac Nyambwaro

Surge Support
The Collective Service


Amadou Ndong

Information Management
The Collective Service
