Case Studies

Case studies promoting collective experiences seeking to strengthen community-led approach within public health emergency response

Adapting an Ebola feedback mechanism for COVID-19


The feedback mechanism was originally set up by the DRCRCS during an Ebola outbreak, with over 800 volunteers
documenting the rumours, observations, beliefs, questions, and suggestions they heard from community members
during their daily activities.

Responses were analysed to help understand people’s perceptions of the disease and the findings used to inform
humanitarian activities.

Community information sessions explaining how organisations handled the deceased, and changing from opaque
to transparent body-bags to give reassurance that bodies were not being mistreated, were both actions inspired
by community feedback.

Over time, the system became harmonised with multiple agencies collecting feedback through standardised forms
and submitting findings to the Red Cross for data consolidation and analysis, before being passed to the local
steering committee for discussion and decisions on how to respond.

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The Collective Service


COVID-19, Ebola


Community feedback, dashboard, Data collection