Case Studies

Case studies promoting collective experiences seeking to strengthen community-led approach within public health emergency response

Community Engagement and Accountability During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Bangladesh


This case study uses the Population Movement Operation (PMO) in Cox’s Bazar as an example to understand how an already complex humanitarian crisis was further complicated by the pandemic and what measures were taken to mitigate these. It also looks at Bangladesh’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign to highlight how National Societies can support and add value to the national Government’s vaccination roll outs.

The following case study presents best practices as well as some challenges which need to be
addressed. The best practices include:

  • Volunteers enabling community access to information and technology
  • Diversifying channels of communication in order to expand their reach
  • Including community perspectives and needs into programmes from the start
  • Addressing rumours and concerns right away to help build trust and manage misinformation
  • Working with community leaders
  • Working with community volunteers to gain community trust
  • Integrating CEA across activities and linking up with partners for an effective feedback mechanism
  • Responding to needs of vulnerable groups by linking with other grassroots organisations
  • and actively reaching out to marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Bangladesh, Community feedback, humanitarian response, Rumours, vaccine