Case Studies

Case studies promoting collective experiences seeking to strengthen community-led approach within public health emergency response

COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement


Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is about accurate information provided early, often, and in languages and channels that people understand, trust and use.

It enables individuals and communities to make choices and take actions to protect themselves, their families and communities from life-threatening health hazards. In the context of COVID-19, RCCE is the timely transmission of accurate information on COVID-appropriate behaviours, to enable the community members to make informed decisions to protect themselves and their families by adopting and maintaining those behaviours.

Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is an essential component of UNICEF’s COVID-19 response action plan. RCCE for COVID-19 is one of UNICEF’s priority areas to share information and advice among communities, mitigate rumours, effectively involve communities in response to the pandemic, and inform decision-making related to personal risk.

Through its efforts, UNICEF aims to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding on preparedness and response practices against COVID-19 disease in order to reduce its impact on general public, including children and women, by encouraging the communities to adopt and maintain COVID-appropriate behaviours, and enabling them to build their resilience.

This report captures UNICEF India’s RCCE response led by the Communication for Development(C4D) team between March and September 2020.

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