Survey: Usefulness and Use of RCCE Data 

Do you have insights or suggestions to share about Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) and the use of social and behavioral data? If so, we’d love to hear from you! The ThinkPlace team has been commissioned by the Collective Service to explore best practices, capacity and coordination around the use of COVID-19 social and behavioral data at the country-level. We are eager to hear from as many national RCCE practitioners or persons involved in community engagement  as possible, whether you are representing IFRC, UNICEF, WHO, a government institution, an international NGO, a local NGO or CSO, or other organization.

Over these past two plus years, RCCE has played a critical role in addressing the ever-changing nature of COVID-19 pandemic. We want to learn more about how this important work has been supported – be it through training, the establishment of coordination mechanisms, guidance tools or innovative approaches to data collection and the use of data for decision making. In short, we are eager to hear about your experience as a national RCCE practitioner or persons involved in country-level community engagement, and what has been most helpful to you in this role. Your input will help us better support community engagement needs of national responders.

There are two ways you can provide your input

Respond to this short survey. It should only take between 10-15 minutes to complete and will be incredibly valuable to us!

If you are a national RCCE practitioner and are interested in participating in a series of 2-3 meetings of approximately 2 hours each to provide additional insights related to the use of social and behavioral data for Risk Communication and Community Engagement, please send your name, organization, country location, and email to Rebecca Dale-Smith at and we will be in touch with you.

In addition to helping us, this will be a great opportunity to connect with and exchange experiences with counterparts from other countries! We expect to convene these meetings in May and June 2022.

Thank you in advance for your interest and participation in this work!