
Collective Service Documentation

The Collective Service

Approaches to scaling up COVID-19 vaccination: Experiences from Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda


This synthesis draws on evidence from academic and grey literature, review of available data, programme documents and rapid consultations with partners working in COVID-19 vaccination programmes. It was developed by Anthrologica for the Collective Service at the request of UNICEF East and Southern Africa Regional Office, (ESARO).

Chapter 1 of this synthesis presents an overview of the vaccination context in three Eastern and Southern Africa Region countries: Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda.

Chapter 2 examines community-side (demand-related) challenges to improving vaccination uptake.

Chapter 3 discusses challenges from the provider side.

Chapter 4 outlines approaches used to increase vaccine coverage and improve supply and discusses the implementation of these approaches into vaccination programmes in each country.

Chapter 5 considers experiences of other countries in the region, seeking to highlight innovative solutions and related lessons learned that may inform vaccination programmes in Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda. The concluding chapter sets out lessons learned and recommendations for vaccination efforts going forward.

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COVID-19, vaccines, Qualitative data, social science research, social science

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