New Guidance on measuring Results in Social and Behaviour Change communication programming
Both the 2016 Global C4D Evaluation and the 2019 Diagnostic Assessment of C4D Programming and Operational Structures in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) stressed that having clearly articulated results in both Communication for Development (C4D) and sectors’ strategic plans and frameworks remains one of the main Social and Behaviour Change (SBC)-related challenges.
While most countries in ESA have formulated indicators in their SBC strategies, there is often a disconnect between the level of change formulated in the result statement and the indicators identified to capture the change. The indicators can only measure progress at activity level, but cannot capture change at output or outcome-level to reflect progress in knowledge, attitudes, intent and/or skills that would support the adoption of targeted practices.
The Measuring Results in Social and Behaviour Change Communication Programming intends to provide guidance for measuring SBC results by taking the most recently available UNICEF SBCC guidance documents into consideration, such as the Behavioural Drivers Model (BDM), the social norms programming guide Everybody wants to belong, and the Journey to Health and Immunisation framework.
These guidelines are intended for C4D and monitoring and evaluation staff in UNICEF Country Offices and Field Offices who are active in the design and implementation of the country’s programme cycle, state and non-state partners involved in the design and implementation of SBC programmes, and those involved in the monitoring and evaluation of SBC interventions.
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