Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

Changes in health behaviours during early COVID-19 and socio-demographic disparities: a cross-sectional analysis
Anna Zajacova, Anthony Jehn, Matthew Stackhouse, Patrick Denice, Howard Ramos, 2020 | This study assesses changes in health behaviours during the early stages of the pandemic and examines socio-demographic disparities associated with these changes.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Health Care Workers and COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality, Sources of Stress, Burnout and Attrition
M. Nichter, J. Fong, C. Catalfamo, 2020 |
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
COVID-19 Variants The Great Public Health Balancing Act And Public Health Citizenship
M. Nichter, 2021 |
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Appui en sciences sociales pour la COVID-19 : leçons apprises
CASS, 2020 |
Language: English, French
Keywords: Social science
The syndemic of COVID-19 and gender-based violence in humanitarian settings: leveraging lessons from Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Stark L, Meinhart M, Vahedi L, Carter SE, Roesch E, Scott Moncrieff I, Mwanze Palaku P, Rossi F, Poulton C. , 2020 | This brief leverages learnings from the 2018–2020 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to inform and strengthen ongoing responses related to GBV and COVID-19 within humanitarian...
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
The impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak response on women and girls in DRC
CASS, 2020 |
Language: English, French
Keywords: Social science
RCCE Strategies to Overcome COVID-19 Fatigue in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa
Yonally, E., Tulloch, O., Butler, N., Gillespie, A, 2020 | The brief synthesises evidence published by UNICEF in a comprehensive review of the scientific and grey literature and the media.
Language: English, French, Arabic
Keywords: Social science
In-Focus: COVID-19, Uncertainty, Vulnerability and Recovery in India
Pickard, J., Srivastava, S., Bhatt, M.R., Mehta, L., 2020 | This paper addresses COVID-19 in India, looking at how the interplay of inequality, vulnerability, and the pandemic has compounded uncertainties for poor and marginalised groups, leading to insecurity, stigma and...
Language: English, Hindi, Gujarati
Keywords: Social science
Impacts de la réponse COVID-19 sur la santé communautaire en RDC: Analyses Multidisciplinaires Intégrées des Épidémies
CASS, 2020 | Ce document a été élaboré par la Cellule d’Analyse en Sciences Sociales (CASS) sous l’égide de la Commission de Gestion des Informations de la Réponse multisectorielle à l’épidémie de COVID-19...
Language: French
Keywords: Social science