GOARN hosted The Collective Service Monthly Global Call last Tuesday [26/09/23], bringing together approximately 25 RCCE partners from various agencies.
If you missed the call and would like to review the agenda or catch up on the topics and thematic presentations discussed, we have made the deck presentation available here.
The topics covered included Disability Inclusion in RCCE, an El Niño preparedness update (with a focus on ESAR and Nepal), an update on The Collective Service & the external evaluation process.
If you have any questions regarding this presentation or would like to share operational support updates and participate in collaborative discussions on RCCE issues during our next Global Call, please contact Diane Le Corvec (diane.lecorvec@ifrc.org).
You are also welcome to register for the October 31st event: https://who-e.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJclfuqppjkiEtXYUQSFMz97Zn3hl8qmzjwg#/registration