Case Studies

Case studies promoting collective experiences seeking to strengthen community-led approach within public health emergency response

Young Women Raise – Awareness and Generate Income in Combating COVID-19


The aim of this project was to respond to COVID-19 by adapting the services of BINDU Women Development to the COVID-19 response. The youth organization, which focused on reducing gender-based violence, child marriage, and supporting women’s livelihoods, extended its focus to include COVID-19 prevention activities such as training local young women on making facemasks.

The participants were young volunteer women belonging to the BINDU Women Development organization. Over 100 young women were actively working on the COVID response.

The project implemented a multi-faceted strategy including the production of facemasks, the establishment of handwashing points, awareness-raising, training and the provision of monetary relief.
This initiative was supported by UN Women and led by BINDU Women Development / BINDU Nari Unnayan Sangathan, a youth feminist organization working in the South-West coastal region of Bangladesh.

Additional languages



Bindu Women Development, UN Women





Bangladesh, COVID-19, GBV, gender equality, violence, women