Working for Health is launching a quarterly seminar series in 2024 – Join the first webinar, showcasing the Working for Health Implementation and Learning Report 2018-2023, highlighting the approach, the lessons, achievements, multi-sectoral collaboration and the impact of the Working for Health programme, global, regional and country-level action. Looking ahead to the Africa Investment Forum which will be held in 2024, this webinar spotlights African region, bringing together vested stakeholders to build on the successes of Working for Health to spur collaboration and further action in the region and globally.

Speakers include representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO), International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (UNMPTF) and Ministry of Health and Labour Representatives from across the region.


  • Jim Campbell, WHO
  • Stefano Scarpetta, OECD
  • Frank Hagemann, ILO
  • Dr Zainab Gura, Deputy Director-General, and Dr Joel Gondi, Head of Human Resources for Health, Kenya Ministry of Health
  • Paul Marsden and Dr Meredith Fendt-Newlin, WHO Working for Health
  • Simphiwe Mabhele, ILO East and Southern Africa
  • Dr James Asamani, WHO Africa regional office
  • Moderators: Dr Shakira Choonara, WHO and Maren Hopfe, ILO Working for Health