Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

A Social Media Toolkit for Healthcare Practitioners
, 2021 | This toolkit aims to provide healthcare workers with the tools, skills and content needed to effectively share authentic and reliable information online.
Language: English
Keywords: Risk communication, Infodemic management
Role of community engagement in situations of extensive community transmission of COVID-19
WHO, | This interim guidance provides suggestions to WHO country offices and health ministries so that they can quickly and effectively mobilize and empower communities to engage, reverse and mitigate the impact...
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement, Strengthening capacity
Undertaking Rapid Assessments and Real-time Monitoring in the COVID-19 Context: Lessons from UNICEF South Asia
UNICEF, 2021 | Drawing on the documented experiences of nine rapid assessments covering six countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), this report shares insights with regard to the design and implementation of...
Language: English
Keywords: Risk communication, Coordination, Monitoring and evaluation, Strengthening capacity
COVID-19 Infodemic Trends in the African Region
Africa Infodemic Response Alliance, 2021 | This report seeks to communicate operational recommendations based on social media monitoring from September 18-24, as well as relevant information on current mis/disinformation.
Language: English
Keywords: Infodemic management
‘Learn from the lessons and don’t forget them’: identifying transferable lessons for COVID-19 from meningitis A, yellow fever and Ebola virus disease vaccination campaigns
BMJ Global Health, 2021 | This study sought to identify transferable lessons for COVID-19 vaccination from the rollout of three vaccines that targeted adult groups in Africa and South America: MenAfriVac (meningitis A); 17D (yellow...
Language: English
Keywords: Risk communication, Monitoring and evaluation
Willingness to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine among Residents of Slum Settlements
MDPI, 2021 | This study determined the rate and factors associated with the willingness to get vaccinated against COVID-19 among slum residents and their main reasons associated with the vaccine intention. It was...
Language: English
Keywords: Risk communication, Infodemic management, Community feedback
Social and behavioural insights COVID-19 data collection tool for Africa – Case study: Pilot implementation in Nigeria and Zambia
WHO AFRO, 2021 | This case study describes how a tool to make it easier for countries to collect context-specific social and behavioural data was adapted and used in a pilot study in Nigeria...
Language: English
Keywords: Social science, Monitoring and evaluation
Risk Communication and Community Engagement Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccines for Marginalised Populations
RCCE Collective Service, 2021 | This inter-agency guidance document aims to supplement the COVAX demand creation package for COVID-19 vaccines with key considerations for humanitarian contexts and marginalized populations with specific access and communication needs.
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement, Risk communication, Advocacy
Review of the Evidence Landscape on the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Interventions Among the Rohingya Refugees to Enhance Healthcare Seeking Behaviours in Cox’s Bazar
SSHAP, 2021 | This report is the first output in a body of work undertaken to identify operationally feasible suggestions to improve risk communication and community engagement efforts (RCCE) with displaced Rohingya people...
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement, Risk communication
Gender and COVID-19 Vaccines: Listening to Women-Focused Organizations in Asia and the Pacific
UN Women Asia Pacific, 2021 | This report provides a picture of emerging gendered barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake and supply, supplemented by analyses drawn from a virtual listening session with women-focused organisations (WFOs) on the...
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement, Risk communication, Community feedback, Strengthening capacity