
Collective Service Documentation

Social Science Technical Assistance: Guidance Note


This page provides information you need to apply for technical assistance. Please read in detail through the explanations as they help you to answer the questions in the application form. A Sample Application has been filled in to help you answer the questions, available here.

The RCCE Collective Service (CS) is working with Anthrologica to provide in-depth social science technical assistance. National and regional partners supporting the COVID-19 response and other public health crises can submit requests for assistance using the application form found here.

We will work with successful applicants to:

  • Build skills,
  • Support the generation, analysis and/or use of socio-behavioural evidence at national level, and
  • Support use of this evidence to influence strategic decisions.

The aim of the technical assistance is to enhance national capacity to use social science evidence to respond to community needs. It will strengthen social science research related to RCCE, for example to understand how social norms and traditional beliefs impact on treatment seeking behaviour and/or people’s trust in public authorities. The technical assistance further focuses on operational research, i.e., it will address a specific problem as identified by the requesting organisation and then work with that organisation to develop a solution.

Where possible, the Collective Service and Anthrologica will collaborate with national and/or regional level social science networks and institutions to mobilise in-country experts.

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