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Briefing |?SSHAP

In-Focus: COVID-19, Uncertainty, Vulnerability and Recovery in India
This paper addresses COVID-19 in India, looking at how the interplay of inequality, vulnerability, and the pandemic has compounded uncertainties for poor and marginalised groups, leading to insecurity, stigma and a severe loss of livelihoods.

Briefing |?SSHAP

Smart Cities and COVID-19: Implications for Data Ecosystems from Lessons Learned in India
This brief distils best data practice recommendations through consideration of key issues involved in the use of technology for surveillance, fact-checking and coordinated control during a crisis or emergency response in resource-constrained urban contexts.

Guidance |?World Bank

Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide for Microdata Collection
The purpose of this collection of seven chapters is to contribute to the development of the new field of mobile phone data collection in developing countries.

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13 resources found