4.6: Qualitative data analysis in operational social science research

This session aims to improve knowledge around the tools and steps to analyse qualitative data relevant to community engagement and/or communications activities during humanitarian crises.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the steps to analyse data collected with qualitative methods like interviews, observations and focus group discussions.

Related resources

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Module structure

Session type

90-120 minutes
Online and offline
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Check if the div with class 'cbt-resources' exists if (document.querySelector('.cbt-resources')) { // Select all carousel items var carouselItems = document.querySelectorAll('.wdcl-carousel-item a'); // Loop through each item carouselItems.forEach(function(item) { // Find the image inside the anchor var img = item.querySelector('img'); // Get the alt text var altText = img.getAttribute('alt'); // Create the h4 element var h4 = document.createElement('h4'); h4.textContent = altText; // Insert the h4 element after the image item.insertBefore(h4, img.nextSibling); }); } });